
The work is funded by Sida (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) with co-funding from UMSA (Universidad Mayor San Andres, La Paz), UMSS (Universidad Mayor San Simón, Cochabamba) and Lund University.

SEG’s (Society of Exploration Geophysicists) Geoscientists Without Borders is funding parts of the work that are focussing on geophysical mapping, where ERT (Electrical Resistivity Tomography) and TEM (Transient ElectroMagnetic sounding) are the key methods used.

The academic partners Aarhus University and Oruro Technical University are engaged in these activities and contribute with in-kind funding.

The local authorities involved include MMAyA (Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua), UNASBVI (Unidad de Agua, Saneamiento Básico y Vivienda) and SELA (Servicio Local de Acueductos y Alcantarillado).

Furthermore the companies Corimex Ltda, La Paz, and Guideline Geo AB provide in-kind contributions.